Being ready for your photoshoot can mean the difference between days or months on the market. Photos are the fastest way to attract potential buyers to your listing. Get your listing photo ready by following these easy steps.
Turn on all lightbulbs inside and outside. This includes small lamps, under the microwave and porch lights.
Turn off all ceiling fans.
Wipe down/dust every counter and surface.
Mop/sweep/vacuum every floor
Turn off all TV’s and computer monitors
Put away all dog toys, beds and bowls
Open all blinds evenly to allow natural light
Remove all small rugs and doormats
Clean all windows inside and out
Remove diffusers, radios, and clocks plugged in on countertops
Hide all electrical cords
Living Room
Hide all remote controls/game controllers
Put away kid toys
Hide all cables
Declutter counter tops
Hide trash can
Remove everything possible from counter tops
Hide soaps, scrubbers and paper towels
Remove fridge magnets
Dining Room
Remove kid seats and high chairs
Clean table thoroughly
Center dining room table under hanging light
Evenly space chairs around table
Remove everything from counter (toothbrushes, soaps, etc.)
Clean mirror to remove streaks
Remove toilet paper from holder
Hide toilet cleaners and plungers
Remove trashcans
Toilet seats must be down
Remove all soaps from shower
Make bed and neatly organize pillows
Remove all phone chargers (bases and cables)
Declutter bedside tables
Remove any visible items from under bed
Organize dressers
Close all drawers
Remove laundry baskets
Declutter corners
Front Yard
Move cars (do not park directly in front of house)
Move trash cans inside garage
Mow, edge and trim hedges
Sweep porch, sidewalk and driveway
Remove doormats
Remove yard signs including security signs
Close garage doors
Remove hoses
Sweep porch
Remove all clutter (cleaners, and grilling supplies)
Remove all kid toys and athletic equipment
Evenly space chairs around fire pits and tables
Mow and edge lawn
Pick up any trash
Remove all dog supplies, beds, toys, etc.
Do not store items on side of house
Repairs missing/damaged fence panels
Remove hoses